DIY: Crib canopy

I've always wanted to give my daughter a princess bed. Although a full Princess makeover might not be in the plans right now, I can always give her a little one :)

Disclaimer: this is the easiest way possible that I could find. You can opt to use a curtain on a hula hoop, that would give you more flare but it would also add to the cost and hula hoops are usually a little big for cribs.

Things you need:

  • Preferably a see through cloth of whatever colour you like. I got pink and this is mixed cotton because I couldn't find silk or net at my nearest craft store. Measure how tall you want the canopy to be from the floor and get the cloth in that length.
  • Embroidery hoop 
  • Fake flowers 
  • twinkle lights
  • scissors
  • safety pins or you can sew if you want. 
  • ribbon.
  • a string. (Fish lines are better because they're invisible and strong.)

How to make it. 

I tried with two strings first
and added a third one later. 

1. Find the centre of the cloth's length. I got a 300 cm long cloth so I put a dot at 150cm. 

2. Now take the outer hoop from the embroidery hoop (the one with the lock in it) and tie 3 strings of equal length at equal distances on the hoop (the length of the strings should be equal to how low you want to hang the canopy from the ceiling or in my case curtain rod) 

3. Now take the other hoop and put the centre of the cloth (where we put a dot earlier) in the centre of the hoop and fix the outer hoop over it. Screw tightly. 

4. Add the flowers to the rim using glue gun or tape. 

5. Add the string of twinkle lights. You can fix the twinkle lights on top of the embroidery loop using safety pins.

6. Now hang the loop either onto a ceiling or a curtain rod like i did. 

7. An extra thing that I did was to add ribbons to tie the cloth to the crib so that it won't move. (I attatched the ribons using safety pins, you can also sew)

And VOILA your bed canopy is ready. :D

You can use the same technique for adult sized beds also but with larger embroidery hoops or hula hoops. I hope you guys liked this and it gave you motivation to add some princessy touch to your own or your kids' room <3 
I'd love to see what you guys come up with and as always Constructive criticism is welcome. 
Follow me on instagram for more updates.

Live life, have fun, love everyone and anyone. xoxo


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