
Showing posts from June, 2019

Apartment makeover series: Dining room makeover

Hi guys, how are you doing? I announced on my instagram last week that I'm going to be posting every Tuesday in shaa Allah. If you have not followed me there, do go and check it out, I post allot of other fun daily life stuff over there. (the link is in the left tab.) Now I'm soo excited about today's post. It's a little over due but these makovers take time. So backstory, this appartment had three bedrooms but the lounge or living area was not big enough for a dining table, neither was the kitchen, and we do like to host allot of friends and family so, a dining area was a must. Therefore, we compromised on the third bedroom, which was the smallest of the 3 and made it into a seperate dining room. Now, I've always dreamt of designing and decorating my home and I had been planing this appartment makeover for months. I have a very detailed pinterest board and had an image in my head of how the whole space would work out. I wanted something simple wi...

My acne journey and the mistakes I made.

Hey guys, How are you all doing? Today I wanted to talk about my Acne journey, all the mistakes I made and what I could have done differently. Hope it enlightens and helps you guys :) Also I want to mention that I am in no way saying that anyone struggling with acne is not beautiful or attractive. Any hardship that comes your way be it big or small only makes you stronger as a person. Love to all the people with acne <3 So, I started having acne when I was in 6th grade and I didn't get the occassional pimple here and there, I had full blown acne with pustules and scars and all. I went to the dermatologist and he prescribed me medicine, I took it and it didn't get better immediately so I stopped and started trying different totkas (home remedies) and face washes and other commercial acne products, basically whatever other poeple said worked for them, i tried it. It still didn't get better, so I went to a different doctor, he gave me a different, stronger medi...

Apartment makeover series

Hey guys, How are you all doing? I remember I started this blog back in I think 2010 or earlier and I honestly don't remember it being this hard, you know making an instagram profile, updating your facebook page, then adding all of that to the blog etc. (Have I gotten old or something? :P ) Requesting you guys to please put up with me while I try to learn this stuff. Anyways, I think I told you guys how excited I am to show you how i'm decorating my appartment. I dont exactly know what the size of the appartment is but it has 3 decent sized bedrooms, a kind of small living space, 2 baths, kitchen and no storage closets or any closets for that matter. (for some reason they mostly don't have built-in closets here in Saudi) First I want to show you guys the appartment in it's raw state and then do One room dedicated posts on how I decorated and made it functional. A little backstory, I told you guys since I had a 3 month visit visa last year, so we stayed in a f...

About Myself.

Hi guys, How are you doing? Ramazan just ended, it's eid day 3 here in Saudi Arabia when I'm writing this. For those of you who don't know Ramazan is the month of fasting for muslims, where we fast from the time the sun rises to the time it sets and then after a month we celeberate for 3 and in some cultures 4 days which are called EID where people make delicious food, dress up and meet their relatives. I labeled this blog about me so that we could get to know each other, I'm basically from Pakistan, born and raised but i came to Saudia around a year ago (not permanently, i go back and forth since i still am on a visit visa) because my husband works here. I did my med studies from Pakistan, there we call it MBBS, it is a 5 year long studies with 1 year of internship but i didn't finish my internship since i got pregnant and it got a little hard to cope up so i took a year long break. Now i'm looking forward to going back to finishing my degree but there...

I'm Back!

Hey guys I am Ima restarting this blog with a different name and theme. This blog was previously a nail art related blog which I made when I was in high school but then I went to medical school, changed cities, got engaged and got so busy that it was really hard to take time out to do nail art, film it then edit the pictures and post. So I couldn’t keep up with it. Now I’m almost done with studies (will talk about the “almost” part in detail in another post), married, moved to another country and mother to a 6 month old. I’ve been wanting to restart blogging for quite some time now. This time though I want the blog to be more of a lifestyle blog. I like trying new things every now and then because I get bored really easily like right now I’m very much into interior décor, acrylic painting, hand lettering, Arabic calligraphy, cooking, baking and medicine of course (since it is my profession). With this blog I wanted to share my experiences in these fields and the strugg...