Liebster Award and a marble nail art sequel
Hello girls :) I actually wanted to do a mid week sequel post on marble nail art but I was busy with some examination stuff and couldn't. So this post is going to feature the marble nail art sequel and Liebster Awards and the vampire diaries nail art (that i mentioned about on my facebook page) will be uploaded by wednesday rather sunday ;) I didn't know what Liebster awards are either until I got nominated in the Liebster awards by a fellow blogger Ana Ahmed ( ). Thank you so much Ana, it's an honor to be nominated by you and to be a part of this. So this is how it works, Thank the blogger who nominated you, and link them back Answer 11 questions given to you by the blogger who nominated you Nominate 11 bloggers who have under 200 followers and think of 11 questions for them. Alright so, here's the answer to your questions Ana, :) 1. Where do you see your blog in 5 years? Hon...